Instructions for Use

Placing of Items

Unzip the bag to reveal the four yellow placement rectangles, note: there are four red rectangles for the upright storage as well. Pull the bed or furniture away from the wall so the lower half of the bag can be slipped under the first half of the bed or furniture right up to the rectangles then just lift the other end and slide out the cover so the bed or furniture is now resting on the bottom half of the cover. Refer to video.

NOTE: Always be careful not to damage the zip’s teeth when moving heavy items onto the bag, lay a rug or similar down first.

PLEASE NOTE: You should place folded towels or rugs under the feet of each item that is standing on the base in case of any sharp edges as the bag’s base will come under immense pressure as the water rises. The laying of rugs or towels on the floor first will also prevent rips.

Once you have the heavier furniture in place ie beds or the couches facing each other, you can then place your cabinets around or on top till the capacity limit is reached. Before zipping up, cover it with blankets to stop any sharp objects from rubbing as things may move if the bag is forced to float.

PLEASE NOTE: As we have done our best to protect your valuables, things can and still will go wrong when nature is involved.

IMPORTANT:  Pull the zip closed fully to seal, DO NOT jerk it. Use some lube for a perfect seal, take your time when zipping the zip as it will not seal fully if the teeth are not fully closed or “tented”.

Once zipped, Use a vaccum or a vacuum pump to vac-seal the bag to complete the process. For extra safety and peace of mind, we recommend that you use the mini vacuum packs on important documents as well. To get maximum efficiency out of the bag we recommend to mini vacuum pack bulky clothes to maximise all available space and to fill all wasted space with items.


At any time if the zip jams or fails to perform, contact us immediately for assistance.


Storing the Bag

This product is designed for emergency use only. The life of this product will be impacted by your care of the product after use. Always inspect for accidental damage and clean with soap and water and pack away dry ready for the next flood.

When Storing the Bag after cleaning, always open the Zip fully before folding. Refer to video.

Lay flat on the ground, checking the Zip is fully open, start from the back and fold the sides into each other so the top and bottom come together. Now the sides, making the sides are in up to the top and bottom weld seams. The end will have excess to fold in on the corners so fold with care. Once the sides are tucked in, Fold the bag 1/3 then again 1/3. Section fold bag to the centre and it’s now ready to place in the Flood Capsule Storage bag ready for the next Emergency.